News Archive
23rd June 2004
The public consultation process for Merseytram Line 2 was launched last week when a "business breakfast" for key stakeholders was held in Whiston.
22nd May 2004
The public enquiry is over, and we now have to wait until August to find out what Inspector Chris Tipping will report to the Government.
5th March 2004
Merseytravel and Liverpool Council have reached an agreement which will ensure minimal disruption during the European Capital of Culture year, 2008. Merseytravel have promised that if construction is not completed in time, the works will be mothballed for a year.
3rd March 2004
Meanwhile, across the water...
The regeneration board Wirral Waterfront are looking at plans to extend the existing museum tram line so that it runs from Woodside Ferry Terminal to Europa Boulevard in Birkenhead town centre, providing a useful transport link as well as a tourist attraction.
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