Latest News
1st August 2013
Today's meeting of the Merseyside Integrated Transport Authority decided unanimously to delete Merseytram from the Local Transport Plan on the basis it was no longer viable.
This decision marked the final ending of the long-running farce that has cost Merseytravel many millions of pounds, and achieved precisely nothing.
18th April 2008
Ruth Kelly, transport secretary, has indicated that funding could be made available for Merseytram Line 1. A new business case from Merseytravel will need to be approved, and the full support of Liverpool Council for the scheme will be required. If everything goes ahead trams could be running by 2010.
29th November 2005
After months of negotiations, the Government has finally announced that the funding will not be made available for Merseytram. This effectively marks the end of the project, a sad loss to Liverpool's future and a severe blow to any claim to be a modern 21st century city.
3rd November 2005
Local entrepreneur Mike McComb, one of the Merseyside's richest people, has said he will offer to invest millions of pounds to ensure Merseytram goes ahead. He feels the project is vital for the future of the city. Neil Scales, chief executive of Merseytravel, welcomed the offer and said he was willing to meet with Mr McComb to discuss it. He might like to buy a tram and have it display his livery, he suggested.
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